Liven up your Hallway


Despite the hallway not really being a room within your home, it is an important and well-used route. Many halls are neglected simply because they are often narrow and dimly lit, and homeowners don’t know how to spark up such a difficult space. Why not give this oft-forgotten area a bit of a boost!

Halls tend not to be a place for lingering or spending time. This means that you can be a bit more adventurous or downright radical in the changes you make to the décor. Add to the appeal of the space by installing better lighting or even a skylight. What about some track-lighting running the full length of the area? This means that the improvements you make will be seen and appreciated by all!

The floor is an area that should lead you through the space. If you can’t change the floor, add a long brightly-coloured or neutral patterned runner.

The walls of a hallway offer plenty of space. Painting the walls in a light low sheen colour will reflect light and give the impression of a larger space. Or paint a feature wall in a strikingly different hue. Try using a collection of mirrors in a collage-type arrangement to increase the impression of light and volume. Hang artworks or photos, keeping to a theme. An end doorway or wall is a great place to hang a feature work, or alternatively, paint this surface a bright colour to suggest a wider space.

Halls are a great place to install a gallery wall, where a collection of pictures add interest and life. The gallery could feature a great collection of family moments, or an arty selection of nature-themed prints. If your hall is wide enough, think about installing a whole wall-full of shelving so you can store those hundreds of books that are piled up in the living area, the bedroom and office.

You may like to place some items of furniture in the hall if the dimensions allow it. Half-circle tables, long narrow side tables and floating shelving can all house items of interest which will make passers-through slow down and pause.

Livening up your hallway doesn’t sound like a thrilling project, but once you put your mind to the task and stimulate some creative flair, you can produce a more interesting space that is not only a pathway between rooms but a functional and aesthetically pleasing area.