How Long Will Your Exterior Renovation Take? An update to your home’s exterior can take anywhere from a few days to several months or more, depending on the scope of the project.
Some factors that can impact the length of the renovation include:
> The size of your home
> How much of it you’re renovating
> The complexity of the design
> The materials being used
> The number of workers involved
> Weather conditions
On average, a minor exterior renovation such as painting or replacing cladding can take 2-4 weeks.
A full exterior renovation that includes a new roof, windows, cladding/render etc, painting, lighting and landscaping can take anywhere from 10-16 weeks – sometimes longer.
It is important to have a clear and detailed plan in place before starting the renovation to ensure that the project stays on track and finishes on time.
A trusted contractor or project manager can provide an estimated timeline and work with you to minimize disruptions to your daily life during the renovation.
Remember, the length of your home’s exterior renovation can vary greatly, but the more organised you are, the quicker it will go! If you can work out up front everything you want to do and book in your main contractor or tradies in the correct sequential order, the disruption will be far less than if you work things out as you go.
A Facade Design Plan© gives you all the colours, products, materials and details so you have a definite plan to follow as you renovate the exterior of your home, which minimises any downtime or errors. Contact me here to see if we can help you…
Jane Eyles-Bennett