Choose one thing to be the ‘star’ of your room renovation.


Good morning everyone. How are you today? This is Jane Eyles-Bennett. I’m the founder of this group, and I’m an interior and exterior designer.
Today I want to talk about choosing one star or feature per room when you’re renovating. You might go with two, but I typically would go with one main feature.

What got me thinking about this is a kitchen and living room renovation that I’m helping a client with in Sydney and my client has got this idea of a bench-top which is stunning, it’s called Excava from Caesarstone. She also gave me a floor tile called Bostonstone.

So, she’s come to me and she’s said, “I love this, and I love that, but I’m just not sure what to do with the rest of the house.” And she doesn’t want to overdo it, and with a product like this – Excava – you know, you could really overdo it. You’ve got to be careful to have just one main feature in the area and then the rest, you know, doesn’t mean it has to be all white at all, but you really want to tone down the other contrasts in the area. It might be that you use a charcoal grey or you use a white, but maybe the splash-back is the same colour as the bench-top or the cabinetry.

You don’t have a chop change, chop change kind of thing going on with the colours and things in the room. You choose one key feature and the rest sort of goes around that, but you don’t want to compete with that key feature.

I’m talking about a kitchen here, but it could be the same thing for your bathroom. I noticed someone last night or this morning posted a photo in our group of their new bathroom with the feature floor and then she did white on the walls. I can’t remember what the vanity was, but it was great because she had really neutral walls and then her feature was the floor. Even if the vanity was a charcoal or a timber, that’s sort of enough, not too much going on.

That’s just a thing to think about. Choose your star first, and then design everything else around it. If you don’t want a star, that’s completely fine, or if your star is a timber vanity or a splash-back, that’s completely fine as well, but just don’t add too many feature elements on top of one another.

This could also apply to the exterior of your home. If you don’t want to do too much to the facade, then what you want to do is focus on the entrance. The focal point should be where the entry point is and that could be all sorts of things. It could be landscaping, it could be some new feature paneling, it could be a new roof over the top of the entry as I would often to do for clients to make more of a feature of that area.
Just try to think one, maybe two, key elements, key star features per room and then the rest is neutral.

Hope that’s helpful. If you need any help with anything, you know I’m an interior designer and an exterior designer. I would love to help you so just message me if you wish.