The biggest mistake we see is Homeowners trying to duct-tape together a few nice colours and a peppering of other design ideas from the internet in an attempt to transform the Street Appeal of their Home.
An eye-catching Facade consists of many unique Design Principles working together to create a well-balanced, cohesive look. It’s not just the aesthetic of each chosen colour or material either, but the practicality and cost factors that come in to play.
We make it look easy, but there’s a reason ‘Architect Designed’ Homes have a Professional Edge to them (See Above!).
At Hotspace, we are especially trained to turn your existing Facade into a Thoughtful and Striking Design that is specific to You, your Home’s Shape and Style, your Financial Investment, and your Location.
If you’ve tried and not yet succeeded in coming up with a suitable solution for yourself, perhaps it’s time to seek professional guidance. You can contact us here.
Join my Facebook Group ‘Home Renovators Network Australia’ ( for feedback & ideas from other renovators as you update your own home’s façade.
Jane Eyles-Bennett is one of Australia’s top exterior designers and owner of design firm Hotspace Consultants. Join Jane in her Facebook group Home Renovators Network Australia for design and renovation inspiration and insider tips for your home improvement projects.